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Car Dealership Project

Founded in 2020 by Venus Inc. (Our team's start-up company), is a valued Car Dealership in Aalborg City.

Our showroom is home to the latest models and like-new pre-owned vehicles. We also offer frequent special deals on specific lines on our lot. 

The main theme of this semester is industrialized construction. We had to work on building elements that are manufactured in the factory and can be assembled on the construction site. It is a great idea to use prefabricated elements to reduce construction costs, time, and waste.

In addition, we students have a chance to obtain basic principles and theories regarding Plan mangement such as the 80/20 principle, LEAN theory, etc, and methods for the establishment and operation of a business.

My goals: 

  • Improvisation of performing technical drawings, plan management and design skills.

  • Comprehend the production flow of the current project.

  • Optimizing the production line.

Team Meeting Minute

Weekly meeting reports

How I and my teammates collaborate in group work

Constructing Schedule

Tiến độ dự án_00001.jpg
Tiến độ dự án_00002.jpg

Health and Safety Document

Health and Safety Plan_00001.jpg
Health and Safety Plan_00002.jpg

Fire Plan

- Escape routes

- Components fire resistance assessment

- Evacuation plan

- Smoke detectors layout

- Fire alarm call points

7-Fire-safety (1).jpg

Precast elements focusing

Production drawings

Precast wall elements:

  • CW - 06

  • CW - 08

  • CW - 04

1- Element CW-06.jpg

Element CW - 06

- Rebar layout 

- Accessories 

- Followed the Building Regulations 18

- Followed the Energy class

4-CW-06 Mould.jpg

Mould (CW - 06)

- Element's mould for casting in factory

15- Exploded element - legend.jpg

Exploded drawing (CW - 06)

- Break down elements

- Clearer description

2- Element CW-08.jpg

Element CW - 08

- Rebar layout 

- Accessories 

- Followed the Building Regulations 18

- Followed the Energy class

5-CW-08 Mould.jpg

Mould (CW - 08)

- Element's mould for casting in factory

Element CW - 04

Element CW - 04

- Rebar layout 

- Accessories 

- Followed the Building Regulations 18

- Followed the Energy class

6-CW-04 Mould.jpg

Mould (CW - 04)

- Element's mould for casting in factory

11- Detail for CW-04 1st concrete.jpg
12- Detail for CW-04 2nd concrete.jpg

Element CW - 04

- My experiments with the Precast tool Revit

Element's Inspections

Elements quality control 

Check if it meets the requirements

13- QC (element's final inspection)_00001.jpg
12- QC (CW-08 element's final inspection)_00001.jpg

Factory layouts

7-Factory layout.jpg

Factory Layout (1st Version)

- I made 2 versions of it since there is another solution for an optimized layout

9-Factory layout 2nd attempt.jpg

Factory Layout (2nd Version)

This version, in my opinion, is more optimized.

Two layerss of concrete are being cast simultaneously , and the finished result will be assembled in the middle by combining those two layers.

Factory Process Control

A. Quality control on the manually reinforcement installing

B. Quality control on the hangers installation

C. Quality control on the insulations and reinforcement installation 

D. Quality control on the final elements production

E. Quality control on the mesh production 

F. Quality control on the amount of raw material, receiving control

9-Factory process control_00001.jpg
9-Factory process control_00002.jpg

Production work flow

14-Work flow.jpg

Moisture Calculation

1-Moisture-calculation in summer.jpg
2-Moisture-calculation in winter.jpg

U-value calculation

U-value calculation for precast concrete element

= ~ 0.2 (W/m2⋅K)

3-U value calculation_00001.jpg

Weight calculation

- Element CW - 08:  4764 kg

- Element EW - 06:   4473 kg

5- CW-08 weight.jpg
6- CW-06 weight.jpg

Element Tolerances

- In length:             +/- 14mm 

- In cross-section:  +/- 15mm 

4-Overview of tolerances in main dimension_00002.jpg
4-Overview of tolerances in main dimension_00001.jpg

Assembly details

- How 2 precast panel connected (In horizotal)

- How 2 precast panel connected (In vertical)

- Foundation connection detail

- Roof & exterior wall connection detail

Lifting point

- Show how the elements are crane up to the assembly area

- Accessories information included

6- Lifting point.jpg

Site construction plan

- Working radius of the cranes

- Site lighting layout

- Craft mans working area

7- safety plan.jpg

Route plan

Route for delivering precast concrete elements from the factory to the assembly site

8- Route plan.jpg

Assembly plan

- Types of elements

5- Assembly plan (element).jpg

Quality control 

- Control the protocol for assembling elements on-site

- Incoming elements quality control

4- QC assembly.jpg
5- Receiving control.jpg

Assembly schedule

- Element quantities schedule

- Element loading plan

- Delivery date plan

- Final date plan

Element prices

- Estimation of labour cost 

- Material cost

- Fixed cost 

-> Element total cost 

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